Tom's Team

Tom has been a member of sports teams for almost his entire life.  Some of his fondest memories are the friendships he has made through teams.  Softball, baseball, football, basketball.  Now Tom needs a new team. 

Two weeks ago, Tom discovered a lump in his right breast.  After seeing our family doctor, he was sent to Betty Ford Breast Care Services in Grand Rapids for further testing.  Last week we received the news that no one wants to hear-the right breast and nearby a lymph node contain cancer.

Monday, April 24, our family spent the day at Betty Ford Services. The purpose was to hear from the doctors about his diagnosis and develop a treatment plan. We arrived there at 8 am as a team-Tommy, Sherry, Kristen and Eric and Tom and I (Brenda).  Jennifer joined us on Facetime.  We spent the morning meeting with the doctors and support team. 

There was good news from the doctors.  The cancer is not present in the left breast.  Also, the type of cancer is responsive to treatment.  They gave us hope that the treatment can be effective in beating this opponent. 

We agreed on a plan that will start soon. Tom will have surgery to remove the cancer on May 9th.  This will be followed by chemo and finally by radiation.  This will be a lengthy process lasting most of this year.

Our pastor shared a Bible verse in Sunday’s sermon that is helpful to us as we face the future.   Proverbs 18:10 says The NAME of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous run to him, and are safe".  We are looking to our faith to see us through this journey.

We invite you to join Tom’s team and to be part of our support group.  Please pray for wisdom, strength and healing for this time in our lives.
I will post updates here at 


  1. Absolutely joining Tom"s Team. Praying for healing and strength through this unexpected and difficult journey. Will pray for you all nightly. Love & Prayers, Mir

    1. Thank you Miriam. Miriam is a dear friend we met when we lived in Ontario. Miriam's husband was our pastor and both of them were much more that pastor and wife. They helped us adjust to our new living situation and we did many things together those years. Their children are the same age as Eric and Kristen, so our families bonded tightly together.

    2. Count us in. Tim and I are already praying for you. We feel so, so bad for you. You are in my prayer journal right there where I see your name every morning. Prayers for complete healing and recovery.


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