Is Winter Here?
I woke this morning to see the roads covered with snow. Jennifer was apprehensive about driving to work on the white stuff. Her stay in North Carolina has left her out of practice. She made it to school safely in spite of icy roads. I'm cozy in my chair with the heater going. I'm drinking coffee and I actually have time to do an update on this blog. I had to rearrange my schedule at Hopkins Middle School this week because there were special Christmas activities today. I usually work Monday, Wednesday and Friday but I worked Thursday this week so I'm enjoying a Friday off work.
Tom and I spend two weeks in Florida this fall. This picture is from our spot in Lake Bonnet Village. We left our 5th wheel there and we are returning the end of January. Lake Bonnet Village is near Avon Park and it is a 55+ park. The residents are great fun and we are looking forward to getting back there.
Last weekend Tom and I took Anna and Jack, our youngest grandchildren, up to the Soo for the annual Mitchell Christmas Dinner. This picture of Anna was taken just as we drove into Grand Rapids on our return trip. It was the only time she slept in the car the entire weekend. I guess we had finally tired her out. The Mitchell Christmas Dinner has been held for approximately 100 years. You can read my post of last year's dinner at Mitchell Family Christmas Dinner. It was a fun time reconnecting with my Mitchell 'cousins'. Cousins in the Mitchell family is anyone with a common ancestor-David and Margaret Mitchell-my great-grandparents.
We stayed with my parents who are both doing well. We brought our Christmas gifts for them and had a fun time. The grandkids taught us a new card game which lead to lots of laughter as my mom and I struggled to learn the finer points.
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