July has arrived here at the cabin but are continuing to have warm day-time temperatures and cool nights. It really helps the flowers gardens. They love that kind of weather. This is my backdoor shade garden.

We had a 4th of July picnic at my sister, Susie's, house at Birch Point which is right on Lake Superior. We enjoyed the fellowship and the good food.

After eating, we sat on the deck overlooking the beautiful lake. But the cool breezes sent us all looking for sweaters even though it was afternoon.

My parents and Mary Clark stand with their granddaughter Areka and her finance Travis.

Robbie, our nephew, and Tom share birthdays on the 4th.

We went to two parades-Brimley in the afternoon and the Soo in the evening.

The Bell Family had a float for the Soo parade. There were three generations represented here.

We are having a good time here at the Cabin with lots of visiting, boatwatching and eating good food. I'll post more later.
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