Fall Projects and Fun
Today is a cool fall day and when the sun is shining everything looks beautiful. Tom and I like to take a ride around the fields often. With the outside rows of corn picked, we have a road to follow and most times our rides are rewarded with lots of deer sightings. Today there were none. Bow season opened in Michigan on Friday so maybe the deer have been scared off.
This is the back view of our new home.
We have about 20 acres in corn by Butch Nordhof, a local farmer and long-time friend of ours. His crop looks great this year. He will be picking it as soon as he gets his soybeans harvested in the area.

There are woods surrounding our fields. We frightened up a large flock of ducks this afternoon who were enjoying the water from all our rain. The woods are 'lovely, dark and deep.'

The beauty of fall seems to be growing every day here on the farm. We're keeping busy every day with work both out in the schools and at the farms. The shot below is our kitchen drywalling which is almost done now. We removed a chimney which went through the kitchen. We were able to do that because now we have a high-efficiency furnace that doesn't need a chimney. This opened up some room in the kitchen.
Last weekend we made a quick trip to the Soo to help my sister move. We took time to go over to the river and enjoy the crisp clear air.
We drove by the Locks and were lucky enough to see the Frontenac and the Mesabi Miner locking through.

This weekend we got to attend Jack's soccer game. Here he is as the goalie. You can see the intensity of his concentration.
We also celebrated birthdays. It was Jay's 11th and he got a new guitar from Uncle Eric's store. Jay is now learning chords and his goal is to play in their church's praise band.
We gave Anna new outfits for her Bitty Baby Twins-Michael and Maddy. Anna turned 7 on Thursday.
The weather was very cool yesterday morning and we enjoyed our time at Jack's game. Here Tom is with Tommy and Sherry's dad-Al Hackney.
Next weekend there is lots going on. Our church is co-sponsoring a benefit dinner for the Phil Doughtery family. They welcomed a new son, Caleb, in August. Caleb hasn't come home for the hospital yet because of heart problems. The benefit is to assist the family with the mounting medical and associated costs. Caleb is at U of M hospital.
The beauty of fall seems to be growing every day here on the farm. We're keeping busy every day with work both out in the schools and at the farms. The shot below is our kitchen drywalling which is almost done now. We removed a chimney which went through the kitchen. We were able to do that because now we have a high-efficiency furnace that doesn't need a chimney. This opened up some room in the kitchen.
Tom also has almost finished our garage project. The footings have been replaced and some repairs done. We're just waiting for our new garage door which should be here this week.
We are also going to enjoy Caledonia's homecoming on Friday.
Because of scheduling, our church is unable to use the Alto School next Sunday, so Faith Bible Church will be meeting at our home next Sunday.
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