Tommy & Sherry's Visit
There really isn't much time to blog this week. Tommy and Sherry arrived here on Monday afternoon with Jay & Madelynn. Anna and Jack were already here. We were glad to see them because we were getting worn out trying to keep up with the 6 & 8 year olds.
We took the kids to a playground this morning to help wear them out. They had a ball. My niece Karey joined us with her kids, Kamden and Jack.

Last night my parents had us over for dinner. After dinner we cleared off the table and had a rousing game of bingo. My mom had prepared a slew of great prizes that were all wrapped. The kids had a wonderful time.
Anna keeps things very interesting and fun. She is showing us how to surf on our ironing board. There is never a dull moment when Anna is around.
Over the weekend, Annette Mills Feinberg visited the Soo. She was my friend in high school but moved away with her family after high school. I had not seen her in 40 years and we had a great time reconnecting. We had been corresponding through Facebook but it was so much fun to see her and hear about her life. She lives in Tuscon Arizona now.
I took Anna and Jack to the Boatnerd Picnic-Day 2 which was quite boring for them but they enjoyed seeing the shipping memorabilia.

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