Since we returned from Branson, we returned to normal life. Normal for us is hard to describe. No two days is alike. Tom is coaching JV softball for Caledonia. It is great fun and he has a bunch of nice girls.
Our grandkids are busy this spring and playing lots of sports. We're trying to attend lots of games and we are always appreciated (and hugged) when we do.

Last weekend we loaded up the car again and headed out to Minneapolis. Our daughter-in-law, Jesslyn, was graduating from Augsburg College with a Bachelor of Science in social work. Jess worked very hard for this. We are very proud of her. Here are a few pictures from that day.
Augsburg College has a focus on service to your fellow man. The graduation ceremony was very nice.

Jess with her sisters Dana and Kylie

Jess's parents, with Eric & Jess

Eric & Jess-look how proud Jess' dad looks in the background

The graduation was followed by a party at Jack & Nancy's house. (Tom's brother). This is Jess, Darrell, Del (Jess' aunt) and Dana.

Jess's neice Hazel and Colten Benedict. The three year olds had a great time at the party and added lots of fun.

Jack and Nancy with Eric and Jess. The party was wonderful with great food and lots of fun people.

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