The Blizzard of 2009
I've been home with 2 snow days and snow days still fun even though I don't work everyday. Yesterday my sister Kathy spent the day here and we did lots of interesting things. I was showing her things on the computer such as how to blog, how to download to iTunes, and burn cd's etc. As with everything on the computer, things don't go easily. But we got through it.
I also have worked on my columns for I've been writing a weekly column for them almost 2 years and I hear back from readers and some of the letters are amusing. People have very strong feelings about their favorite drivers and they don't like me pointing out their problems. This past week I wrote about Jimmie Johnson who is this year's champion. I compared some of his behavior to that of Dale Earnhardt Jr. There are always people who absolutely love Junior and writing about him is always a dangerous proposition. Here's a sample from last week's responses.
This first one is a lovely note that luckily I read before reading the scathing assessment that follows.
Good Morning Brenda,
Absolutely magnificent article, straight to the point, and accurate as it can be.
Am I a JJ fan....You betcha! But he is just one of my favorites, albeit my most favorite.
He may be "cookies and milk", but he sure creates a good image for the sport.
If the naysayers don't get the picture after reading your article they never will.
Thanks and a very merry Christmas to you and your family!!!
Adrian Flores
You are way off base. So much so that you may just be bonkers. Or maybe you don't do much research.
Hard to believe that they both read the same column. But that's what makes writing the column fun. I hear from people all over the country and you never know how they are going to react.
From Dec. to the middle of Feb. there is no NASCAR racing but I need to keep producing the column so it's always a challenge to come up with a topic. Fortunately for me, NASCAR drivers are prone to some behavior that gives me lots of material.
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