Cabin Close Up and Garage Sale
The past few weeks have been unbelievably busy but we really feel God's leading in every step. We received an offer on our house that we accepted and things have been moving very fast since then. Our closing is scheduled for Oct. 23 with possession at close which means we have to be out by then.
We had a garage sale that was very successful. Here's our front yard full of stuff from the barn and it almost all sold. Tom's stuff was very popular. We used Craigslist and it worked very well. We are going to use Craigslist to sell the few remaining items.
Unfortunately, my side of the sale wasn't quite as successful but we did sell lots. The rest of the goodies will be donated to Goodwill or Mel Trotter.
This weekend we headed up to the Cabin with a load of furniture we want up there. The colors were beautiful on the way up and at the Soo. Sugar Island, which you see in the picture, was in full glory.
This was our last sight of Scenic Drive as we drove out for the last time this season.

We had hoped to spend the month of Oct. at the cabin for a leisurely fall but it didn't work out that way. Our close-up went well and the cabin is set for another winter without us. It did snow while we were there both Sat. and Sun. The flurries didn't last long but did last on the grass for a while. It was a sign to us that summer was over and it was time to move on.
We will be moving into a condo in Jasonville Farms in Caledonia this Saturday. It will be a big change for us but we are looking forward to this new phase in our life.
I also starting working at Hopkins Middle School as a literacy coach last week. This will be a 2 - 3 day a week position helping teachers implement strategies to improve the student achievement. I'm excited about this new opportunity. I will be meeting the teachers on Wednesday and getting to work right then.
Whew! What a busy season you have had! Hopefully that means the winter will be peaceful and settled, hunkered down under the afghans with a good book!