Our Kids & Grandkids Visits
We did so many fun things when our kids and grandkids were here this summer. Tom and Sherry and the kids left last Monday and I've had time to rest up from all the fun times. Here's a few pictures of our activities.
Cupcakes are my new hobby and I got the new Martha Stewart Cupcakes book. Jay wanted to try the peanut butter and jelly cupcakes so we made them together. They were very tasty and a hit with the family.

Our neighbor offered us the use of their paddle boat so it took quite a group to get it down to the water. It was fun but it was a little hard to paddle so the adults had to do it. Sherry got quite a workout.
One evening we went to my parent's for dinner. My mother's gardens are lovely. I don't know how she gets such good results but I know she must have a secret ingredient.

The kids all got money from Grandpa for helping with the work around the cabin and especially the project to take metal to the scrap dealer. So we made a trip to the new Super Walmart in the Soo. That was quite a chore to spend the $10 that each of them got.

The kids love to do crafts and worked right up to the minute they left. Here they are working while their parents were packing the van. They are very creative kids and used materials I had in my recycle bin as well as a box of beads, ribbons, buttons and other craft supplies my sister sent over.
The day before they left, we made a trip to the Locks to watch the boats. Anna got tired and wanted her dad to carry her. He told her to keep walking (she has so much energy). She went running past me up to where Grandpa was walking. I heard her say, "Easy peasy" and then she asked Grandpa to carry her. He quickly picked her up and she looked back at me with a very satisfied look on her face. She has Grandpa right where she wants him-wrapped around her finger.
Tommy's birthday was celebrated at his favorite UP restaurant. Wilcox's is famous for their whitefish which they catch daily right out front in Lake Superior. There were 16 of us. Our family, my parents, Sherry's parents and sister, Karolyn, and her family. Wilcox's had a new perk this year-free dinner on your birthday. We go there every summer when Tommy visits. Bonnie and I ate there on our cross-UP trip in June.
After dinner, we all went back to the cabin for a bonfire and fireworks.
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