Festival in Grand Rapids

We are back home in Caledonia for several reasons.  However, the most important is to check on Tom's mom who was back in the hospital for several days.  She is back at her assisted living facility now which makes us very happy.

Tom had a chance to do a delivery for Broadmoor Motors.  They do a great deal of business on-line and had sold a boat to a woman in Kansas.  So Tom decided to take the job.  However, the delivery had to be this weekend and it was our 39th wedding anniversary.  He left here at 5 AM Friday morning and was going to get a motel after making the 13 hour drive to Wichita.  However, he decided that he wanted to be back for our anniversary.  After making the delivery, he continued driving all the way home.  30 hours of driving and he only stopped once to eat and snacked a few times other than that.  Now that is dedication and love!   After a 5 hour sleep, he was up and we spent the afternoon and evening together.

Friday night I babysat the grandkids.  I took them to Kettle Lake School which is just 2 miles from here to play on their fabulous playground.  The kids had a ball and when we went done, they were tired, hot and dirty.  A real success.  We returned home and they all had baths and lots of snacks until their parents arrived to pick them up.

Madelynn spent the night with me and in the morning we stopped by Essential Bean for breakfast and then were off to Festival of Art in Grand Rapids.  We had a wonderful time walking around enjoying the food and the music.  Madelynn got a hair wrap and then picked her own food.  Festival has 30 different food booths representing all kinds of ethnic groups.  You can guess what she picked-a foot-long hot dog and shaved ice flavored with green apple.  She is an all-American girl.

Our schedule for this week is still up in the air but we need to be here next weekend to welcome Jennifer home for the summer.  Eric is also coming to visit because he will be in Chicago and has a few days between meetings.  We will probably return to the Soo for the week because I'm teaching classes at the EUP Learning Center.


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