Easter Fun
We celebrated Easter with Tom and Sherry's family on Saturday with our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Aunt Jen plans and sets it up every year and we all enjoy watching the kids search for eggs with such enthusiasm. It was wonderful to be outside this year because last year the hunt was held indoors because of snow.
Here Madelynn and Anna start out in opposite directions. Madelynn was very grown-up acting and allowed the younger kids to find the 'easy' eggs. But in the end, Anna proved to be the best egg locator by finding the last eggs.
After the egg hunt, Aunt Jen had a science activity with the kids. They made silly putty which we all enjoyed playing with.
Madelynn had asked for a chocolate bunny with big ears and I found this one. That bunny certainly met her criteria.
Monday my dad had surgery to correct an abdominal aorta aneurysm. The surgery went very well and Dad is back home recuperating now. The doctor says no driving or lifting over 10 lbs. for two weeks. That will be hard for him. He has a part-time job driving lab samples between the medical center at the Bay Mills Reservation and War Memorial Hospital in the Soo. Dad will hate it that he can't do his 'run'. Isn't it great that he is 80 years old and still enjoys and is able to work?
We are getting ready for working in our yard today. It has been too cold for my taste to be outdoors. Joyce and I have been running and getting ready for our 16th River Bank Run. Joyce ran 13 miles last Saturday but I'm not doing those long distances. I did the 25K race one time but haven't had the heart or desire to repeat it. I wish I did.
I've been working at Grand Rapids Public Schools coaching teachers and helping them implement a new unit of writing lessons. I really enjoy the work. Half the time I'm in the classrooms assisting teachers while they teach the lessons and then the other half of the time, I meet with the teachers to discuss how the lesson went and how we could adjust it and improve for the next time. It is a little tricky guiding teachers through the progress but so far I'm being received well. The classes are 2nd and 3rd grade with mostly Hispanic students. They really face unique writing challenges because English is the second language for most of them. Some are just beginning to speak in English. Writing is an activity that really taxes the mind especially so when you are such a beginning English speaker. It taxes the mind for everyone actually. Another problem we are facing is vocabulary. Most of the students come from low income homes. Their vocabulary in Spanish is limited and this is caused by many factors but it makes it difficult to teach English vocabulary. That's enough about my job but I find it very stimulating and really love being in schools.
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