Irish Pub in Minneapolis
It all started on Saturday when we sat in a small restaurant/bar in Stockholm, Wisconsin. I commented that this was what I had always imagined an Irish pub would be like. Jess told me it really wasn't because she has been to Ireland and had tried a pub. Yesterday we watched a documentary on Netflix called "Pubs of Dublin" and I learned lots about Irish pubs, literature and history. They are all connected. So today Eric & Jess took us to The Local. The Local is an authentic Irish pub right in downtown Minneapolis. It was actually built in Ireland and assembled here.
Before that we did some serious shopping at Ikea. So I have really been around Europe today-Sweden and Ireland.

Eric and Jess are very comfortable in downtown Minneapolis so we had a nice tour including the Sky Walk which is a series of indoor walkways between all the buildings downtown. You do not want to be outside here in the winter. It is sunny today but the wind has a bite to it.
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