Take a Walk With Us

Tom & I have been trying to walk every day for about an hour.  We have taken a different route many times and we're really exploring the area around here.

I'll take you with us today.  I do wish you could be here with us for the fun.

Here is Tom coming down from Kristen's apartment.  Did I tell you she lives on the third floor?  We get exercise just coming home each day.

Behind Kristen's apartment is a farm pasture that we admire every morning as the cows come out to graze.  So today we are walking around the fields trying to find out more about the farm.  

Here is the view looking from the other side of the field.  You can see Kristen's apartment complex in the background-just barely.  This part of the field is not irrigated so the grass is very sparse.  We are thinking it might have been an orange grove at one time because the street is named Grove and it is a huge field.  It is unusual that it is right in town with busy city streets on all sides.  Also, we saw a big warehouse on the other side of the field.

Today we saw some garage sales so we stopped and looked but didn't buy.  I didn't want to carry anything for rest of the walk.  But I had to take a picture for Sherry and the kids because they love garage sales.  Garage sales here look a lot like garage sales in Michigan.

The farm was completely fenced all around with a locked gate so we couldn't get in to see more.  We would have loved to talk to the farmer and hear the history of the farm.  Tom estimates that it about 150 acres right in the middle of Scottsdale.  There are 22 long-horn cattle grazing there.

This field is irrigated and you can see the lush grass growing here. You are looking at Kristen's apartment in the background.

No more pictures but we finished up our walk with a stop at a Chinese fast food restaurant.  It took us almost 2 hours to do the entire route-including lunch.  Fun day!


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