Saturday Fun
Today Kristen didn't have to work so we had lots of fun activities. After getting her a new bed because we have her queen size bed, we went out in the desert to see Chris, her boyfriend. He has a quad for riding in the desert. He let Tom ride and Tom loved it and took to it like a duck to water. (If you heard Jeff Manion's sermon last week, you will understand my use of a proverb.)
We also got to see where Kristen works-at Kahala. When Kahala bought Coldstone Creamery a few years ago, they moved into Coldstone's corporate headquarters, so everything is still labled Coldstone, although it is actually Kahala.
I think the following pictures shows our motto for life.
We also stopped at a collector car show that was a baby boomer's dream. They were playing lots of good rock and roll music with all kinds of cars from our younger days. It was just great being in the outdoors.
This is a 1961 Chevy Impala. I had one when I was in high school except mine was white.
Tonight we are relaxing and heading off to get food for tomorrow's football games. Chris is a big Steelers fan and they play after the Arizona Cardinals. We are going to Chris' apartment to watch the games.
I've gotten quite a workout today. I think any day Kristen is home turns out to be busy.
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