Trees and more Trees
We were greeted by tree problems from the moment we drove into the driveway. A freak wind storm during May had left many trees down on our property and also on our neighbor's. In fact, two of our trees landed on our neighbor's roof.
Our neighbors had taken one of our trees off their roof and left the brush which we cleaned up.
The big project was the tree that lay on Nancy's roof. It was one of two that fell on her house-cracking her picture window and damaging her chimney and putting two holes in her roof. Tom studied the tree and came up with a plan to winch the tree up and have it land on our lawn.
We brought out the lawn chairs for the spectators-all the women-and Tom and Rich set to work putting a chain between the downed tree and a tree on our yard. They winched the tree up and it worked perfectly. This video shows the successful completion.
This pine tree lay across the driveway so that became Tom's first project after unloading our belongings.
All Tom then had to was cut up the tree. He took out an additional tree as a preventative measure for any future winds. Actually those future winds came today and we feel snug knowing that all trees that are standing now must be very secure.
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