May Report-Part 2
We are moving up to the cabin next week and I'm hoping things will slow down for a bit. I have two more days to work at Hopkins and then I'll have a couple of weeks off before jumping into my next work.
During the first week of May I celebrated my 60th birthday. It was a very quiet day because my poor husband was suffering with a kidney stone that had first made its presence known while we were in Minneapolis. Thankfully, he successfully passed the stone on May 17th which meant he had it for over 2 weeks. But he is not suffering anymore and gaining his strength back.
He did manage to get me these beautiful roses for my birthday. We're planning to celebrate later once life slows down a bit. We also have our 40th anniversary coming up in June. So much to be thankful for and to celebrate.

Kristen and I had a precious time together. We walked to a nearby Italian restaurant and then walked home in an unexpected rain shower. Pittsburgh is so lush and green right now and we didn't get very wet because we were walking under a canopy of huge trees.
Yesterday I began my work at Charlotte Motor Speedway. It was a long day but lots of fun. I will be returning to the track today to cover the All-Star Race. Unfortunately, Jen can't accompany me to the Media Center so I will be there working.

Pittsburgh is about half way to North Carolina from Caledonia. I finished the trip the next day but I don't think I will ever drive it again. Flying would take 4 hours instead of 14 hours on the road. I arrived safely at Jen's on Wednesday.
On Thursday I visited Jen's classroom at South Rowan High School in China Grove, North Carolina. China Grove is a bit north of Charlotte. Jen teaches biology there and does a very good job working with all students from the very bright to those who struggle. Her classroom and lessons are full of technology because she was awarded a grant called 21st Century teacher last year and they filled her classroom with all kinds of technology.

I will be heading back to Michigan by way of Pittsburgh on Monday. I'll arrive in Caledonia on Tuesday afternoon at least that is the plan. I'll keep you updated about a really big event that is happening in our lives next week but that is a story for another day!

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