May Report-Part 2

Greetings dear readers, I told you about our early May but Tom and I have had so many activities in our lives that it is hard to keep up with them and it doesn't allow us much time to blog about them. We are moving up to the cabin next week and I'm hoping things will slow down for a bit. I have two more days to work at Hopkins and then I'll have a couple of weeks off before jumping into my next work. During the first week of May I celebrated my 60th birthday. It was a very quiet day because my poor husband was suffering with a kidney stone that had first made its presence known while we were in Minneapolis. Thankfully, he successfully passed the stone on May 17th which meant he had it for over 2 weeks. But he is not suffering anymore and gaining his strength back. He did manage to get me these beautiful roses for my birthday. We're planning to celebrate later once life slows down a bit. We also have our 40th anniversary coming up in June. So much to be thankful fo...