Treatment Completed

February 1, 2018 was the day we had looked forward to for the past 10 months. That day marked the 'sunset' of Tom's cancer treatment. It began with the discovery of a tumor in April. This was quickly followed by surgery in May. Once he had begun to recover from the surgery, chemo began in June. This lasted until Thanksgiving. Radiation started in December and finished on February 1. On the last day of radiation Tom was given this certificate and some well-wishes and we were on our way without any fanfare. But in our hearts we were all rejoicing. Our son Eric came along for moral support. We celebrated with a breakfast at Anna's House-a favorite breakfast restaurant in Grand Rapids. We were going to have a family celebration over the past weekend but the weather didn't cooperate. However, I know there will be lots of time for celebrating in the future. Tom's radiation journey was not always smooth. Over C...