Sunset on Chemo Treatments and On to the Next Step

We are blessed with a wide view of sunsets at our farm in Alto, Michigan. This sunset from late November shines over our field. It symbolizes for us the sunset on Tom's months of chemo as well. Tom had finished chemo on Tuesday, Nov. 20. This gave us much to be thankful for this year. Our family had a blessed Thanksgiving. Our daughter Jennifer and her husband Sudeep hosted Thanksgiving this year. This was a first for Jennifer. She did a great job. Kristen and Chris came from Ohio and joined Tom, Eric, Jennifer, Sudeep and I for a delicious meal. We also celebrated Kristen's birthday that day. Spending time together was the highlight for me. Our plans were to go shopping on Black Friday; however online shopping was so much easier. Later that weekend we celebrated our daughter-in-law, Sherry's birthday. November and December are big months for birthdays in our family. We still have two m...