It Takes a Village to Get Through Treatment

Today was Tom's 13th chemo treatment. Only three more to go. The staff at Lemmen-Holton got into the Halloween spirit which made the day more enjoyable. This is Tara who has been with us since the first treatment. She is kind, knowledgeable and fun. Each week at chemo he is evaluated before starting and they give the go-ahead to start. The first step is a blood test. Today's lab was staffed by the "Three Blonde Mice". Last week, the treatment was canceled because Tom had developed neuropathy in his hands. Neuropathy is numbness and tingling caused by the chemo drugs and it can become permanent. The doctor felt that a week without chemo might help. As we arrived back in the lobby feeling very discouraged, there was a lady playing the grand piano that sits in there. She was playing "It Is Well With My Soul" which is a favorite hymn of ours. It was a sign to us that God is in control. When we returned today, Tom's...