Keeping Your Heart
Tom had his treatment this week without any problems. His blood numbers had not moved from the previous week which was good news. He now has 7 treatments left. We are cautiously looking toward the end of chemo. There will be celebrating when we are done. The last post I made was about the 'waiting room' that we feel we are in now. Our lives have been put on hold while he goes through his treatment. At each week of chemo he receives a blood test that determines if he is healthy enough to receive treatment. Each time he receives his treatment, he is one step closer to being done. But waiting or postponing treatment is discouraging. Some of our family attends Ada Bible Church near here. I often watch the services during the week. The Bible teaching is an encouragement to me. This week's sermon is part of a series called Choosing Joy Under Pressure. I have been watching with great interest. Jeff Manion's sermon...