
Showing posts from February, 2011

February Happenings

There hasn't been too much going on around here this month. Snow seems to be the consistent theme of the month. We started out with a blizzard and yesterday received our second big snowfall. Last week our temperatures warmed into the 50's, so we lost all our snow. It seemed wonderful. But yesterday the snow returned. 12 inches of it here in Alto. New snow is beautiful but I believe no snow is even more beautiful. Early in the month we had a reunion of women who attended Shiloh Church. Our church group was very close but since the church closed in 2009, we have not had a chance to see each other very often. We met at Essential Bean for a wonderful time of sharing and loving each other. This past weekend we watched our 4 grandchildren. It was a fun time and we made many memories including a visit to the library, baking brownies and cookies, lots of Disney Channel, and playing games. The boys enjoyed playing basketball with the hoop on the side of the barn. This is th...

Blizzard of 2011

This had been a very easy winter up until this week. Tom and I are very happy about that. I drive many miles every day to the schools where I work. So I have really appreciated the good roads. Tom's job is to keep my car on the road and the drive way cleared. For Christmas gifts this year for each other, we had remote car starters installed on our cars. After 25 years of attached garages, we were struggling getting used to walking out to a cold car across the driveway. We were thankful that we have a garage but the remote starters now mean that we get in a warm car. It has changed my attitude toward winter. Even at work, I simply start my car about 15 minutes before I leave for the day from the warmth of the school. The snow is cleared off when I trudge to the car and off I go warm and happy. But this week we had a 'blizzard'. It actually worked up to a big storm but it came during the middle of the night and so we missed seeing the fury of God's handiwork. I...